I am man enough to admit when I mess up… In a recent social media post (click here to see it), I spoke about how our rock star client, Chris, lost 40 pounds. I found out yesterday that I had it all wrong. He actually lost 50 pounds in his first 6 months. When you accomplish such a great feat such as dropping 50 pounds, every single pound is earned.

To help people in Valrico achieve their fitness goals with personal trainers is easily one of the best jobs to have. You may have also seen our social media post about how Kim had lost 4 pounds in her first week. That number is now updated at an entire 13 pounds… absolutely incredible!

So, you might be wondering what our secret trick is since we’ve helped so many people lose weight in just this month alone. I am here to tell you that there is no secret and there are no tricks. I will tell you exactly how we’ve helped so many people with their fitness goals.
First, we believe that strength training, not cardio, helps more with weight loss in the long haul. Building muscle can help you burn more calories at rest, (check out this rad article from mayoclinic.com) meaning you get more bang for your buck if you build muscle. We recommend that our clients commit to three days per week of strength training.
Second, we operate on the philosophy that “less is more.” Some people workout 5-6 days per week, and great on them for that. What we focus on is doing fewer workouts of higher quality and intensity, and then using that time to recover. Check out this meta analysis on training frequency if you have time.
And thirdly, we teach our clients how to manipulate their calories in a way where they feel full, since they’re not eating filler foods and getting the appropriate protein intake, but still end up at a deficit, resulting in pants sizes dropping quick. To be clear, this is not a starvation diet - I am totally against those.
If you want to take Heroes Fitness for a metaphorical test drive, head over to our website and fill out our form, or just hit reply on this email.
Our busy season is just 3 weeks away, and spots WILL fill fast. Don’t wait—this could be your moment to start transforming your life.
Connor Blackmon
Founder of Heroes Fitness
1528 Bloomingdale Ave., Valrico FL